It may sound like a bad or overused cliché, however, the best way to stay healthy is to avoid getting sick. Some people might think accomplishing such an endeavor may be easier said than done. The task could actually be made a bit more feasible by subscribing to the practice of preventative care.
What Is Preventative Care?
As its name might imply, preventative care is the practice of attempting to prevent oneself from contracting a host of medical conditions by employing measures designed to prevent such ailments or detect them in their earliest stages.
Preventative care might be undertaken by receiving regular health screenings such as blood pressure checks, cholesterol measurements, blood tests, diabetes checks, and examinations used to detect cancer such as colonoscopies and mammograms. Individuals might also employ potential disease-fighting efforts like consuming a healthier diet, increasing their level of physical activity, losing excess weight and ceasing bad lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, or ingesting elicit substances.
Why Is Preventative Care Important?
Engaging in preventative care could result in numerous health benefits including:
The Prevention of Future or Emerging Health Concerns
Many common chronic or even serious ailments do not produce physical manifestations until such conditions might be well-advanced and present a greater challenge to treat. Many simple screening endeavors could identify that these maladies exist or could in the near future. Reaching this conclusion could prevent the need for more advanced treatment efforts like surgery or the chronic administration of medications.
Creating a Better Awareness of an Individual’s Health
Those who place a greater degree of importance on health maintenance could grow more cognizant of changes that take place within their body. Not every change that occurs is always a cause for concern. However, health-conscious people might pay greater mind to alterations such as unexpected or unintended weight loss, unusual growths or skin changes, emerging moderate pain that either fails to go away or worsens with time, the presence of unexpected bleeding or discharge or any other physical manifestations that linger or intensify.
Treat Any Significant Health Illness
Some people ignore symptoms until such manifestations interfere with their day-to-day lives. Under such circumstances, however, said individuals are often diagnosed with moderate to severe illnesses that might cause complications or remain with them for forever. Many medical professionals suggest receiving a thorough physical examination for any bothersome symptoms that last longer than a couple of weeks.
To begin your preventative care, contact Herrera Medical Group today to schedule your consultation! We are conveniently located in Flower Mound, TX.